Numéro eCommerce
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In this menu you can find all information about our branches and contacts. You can also read the latest news about CAIROX BELGIUM here. Furthermore, you can find an overview of our promotions, new products and end of stock offers.

Here you can view our entire product range, including all technical information (dimensions, material, selection tables,…). The categories and subcategories are arranged as in our familiar pricelist. You can use the product selection assistant at the top of each subsection to refine your choice.

Via the download button in the product file you can download the technical datasheet, as well as manuals, certificates,… if available. To order a product, you must login via the e-shop.

This menu is only visible if you are logged in. Here you can:
  • modify your contact information or password
  • consult your outstanding invoices
  • consult your pending and closed orders
  • create, manage and delete your users
    • as an administrator you can manage the profiles of other users in your company
    • as ATCEshop user you have access to the e-shop
    • as ATCLook user you can only see orders and prices/stock levels, but you cannot place orders
  • as ATCBruto user you can consult gross prices, but you cannot place orders
  • set your preferences for quotations

Through our user-friendly e-shop you can place orders 24h/24h and you will receive 2% discount on the net value of your order.

You can 'save' your order and create a new one without ordering the first one. The first order is then stored in ‘unsent orders’.
Using the buttons' Export XLS 'and ‘Export PDF’, you can print or export your order without having to send it.

Only when you click ‘send order’ the order is sent to us. Afterwards you will only find this order behind the tab ‘sent orders’.

A final skill is that you can copy an order so you do not have to type two similar orders entirely.
For more information about using the e-shop, please consult the manual that you can find in the e-shop menu.

The quotation module allows you to draw, modify or copy offers directed to your customers and obtain online quotations from CAIROX BELGIUM. However, you must be logged in first.

1) Quotations for my customers
You have the opportunity to add deductions on our gross price or you can start from your net purchase price and add a margin to it.

The features of our well-known e-shop application stay available. When selecting a product, you can see the stock and related products are offered.

You have the opportunity to add ‘small materials costs’ (e.g. Electrical wires, drains, etc.), working hours and an hourly rate.

Personalizing your quotations can be done by adding a prologue and epilogue.

The tab ‘Export XLS’ allows you to export the quotation to Excel.

The tab ‘Export PDF’ creates a PDF of your quotation, which you can then send to your customer. You should always FIRST SAVE the quotations before you can export them.

When you sell the project, you just have to confirm the quotation via the tab 'convert quotation to order’. This can be done in two ways:
  • By clicking on 'convert to order' on the bottom of the screen
  • Through the e-shop menu by choosing the tab ‘convert quotation to order’ and then click on 'convert '
The products of the quotation are then automatically acquired in an order.
You always have the opportunity to save the quotation and recall it later to finish it.

2) Online quotations from CAIROX
Making an online quotation from CAIROX has the same look and feel as making an order in our e-shop. You can add articles to your quotation by browsing in your favourites or in CAIROX favourites, by browsing through our catalogue or by quick select. After saving, your quotation will be added to 'pending quotations'. If the quotation is approved by your manager, you can convert it in one click into an order in our e-shop, on which you will receive a 2% discount on the net price.

In ‘my favourites’ you can prepare lists of products you order frequently. This can be for instance a regular stock order, or a specific type of air conditioning with all the necessary accessories, which you install very often. You can decide yourself which products you want to add.

It is possible to select one of these lists and products in the quotations and/or orders menu. You can select the whole list, or a part of the list, in your order or in your quotation. This way you can avoid selecting all these products one by one. All you have to do is fill out the quantity and confirm.
The button "Create new list" creates a new favorite list.

Through the button "all lists" you can modify lists that are already created, export them to Excel, export to PDF or remove entirely.

In this menu you can view the price and available stock for a product. You have to be logged in for this.
  • Either press the button "browse in catalogue" and continue navigating through the product groups and product subgroups to the desired product. This search tree is composed using the well-known chapters which you also find in our price list.
  • Or enter directly the article number or a part of the article number in the box under "quick selection". If you type for instance "C010101", you will get all the articles that contain the article number C010101. If you select the desired product, you will see all the necessary information.
  • You can also type the description or a part of the description in the box under "quick selection". Type for instance "SD 100" and you will get all the items where the description SD and 100 occurs. You now have to select the product of choice and you will see all the necessary information.

Do you have a specific question or comment regarding the website? Contact us via mail.belgium@cairox.be and we will be glad to help you.


I purchased a product from CAIROX BELGIUM, but I find this no longer on the website?
All our products remain on our website, so that you can consult specifications at any time, even if we no longer have the product in our range. When a product disappears from our range, it moves to the section discontinued products. You can find this by going to the appropriate subsection (e.g. A01) and check the box ‘dicontinued products’ in the product selection assistant. All products of the A01 section that we no longer sell, then appear.
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