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Double deflection grille for rectangular duct mounting with adjustable blades made of galvanized steel
For air supply and exhaust in ventilation and air conditioning systems.
Galvanized steel
Galvanized steel
Other colours available upon request
Double row of deflection blades, vertical in front and horizontal in back
Visible screw mounting on rectangular duct
Volume control damper DWN
Text for tender
The grilles for air supply or exhaust have individually adjustable blades to regulate the direction of the air flow pattern. They are made of galvanized steel natural finish with a double deflection and are supplied with a volume control damper.
The grilles for air supply or exhaust have individually adjustable blades to regulate the direction of the air flow pattern. They are made of galvanized steel natural finish with a double deflection and are supplied with a volume control damper.
Vk = Average effective velocity through the grill in m/s
X0.25 = Horizontal throw in m at an endvelocity Vt of 0.25 m/s
Ps = Static pressure loss given in Pa
Lw(A) = Acoustic power in dB(A)
The throw X0.25 is given without deflection of the airstream at an end velocity of 0.25m/s. The distances are given for a smooth ceiling and installation distance of the center of the grille at 300mm from the ceiling surface. When mounted at a distance of 400 to 600 mm from the ceiling, a horizontal deflection towards the ceiling of 15° is advised. When mounted at a distance larger than 600mm from the ceiling, the throw distance X0.25 will be smaller than mentioned due to the missing coanda effect. In these cases and for all other special requirements, please contact our engineering office.
The values are given for isothermal supply air. Throw distances for cooling conditions at -11K can be calculated by dividing the X0.25 values with factor 1.1. For heating purposes at Dt of +11K a multiplier of 1.1 should be applied to the given X0.25 value.
Advised mounting distance between centers of multiple grilles in the same wall should be greater than 1/3 of the throw length X0.25 (without spread).
The pressure losses Ps are given for grilles without damper of with fully opened damper.
The acoustic powers Lw(A) are given for grilles without damper of with fully opened damper without room attenuation. Acoustic powers below 20dB(A) are mentioned as "<20" in the tables.