
LINE-BOX • Acoustic plenum for GYP-LINE

  • Plenum boxes
  • Linear
  • Steel
  • Insulated, for GYP-LINE

Acoustic insulated plenum boxes in galvanized steel for GYP-LINE or GYP-P-LINE.

LINE-BOX with a length of 625mm and 1000mm will contain 6 pre-cut connections.

LINE-BOX with a length of 1250mm will contain 8 pre-cut connections.


  • CAIROX - Ventmann


  • The plenumboxes have been developed to mount individually or in line.


  • The plenumboxes LINE-BOX A can be used for diffusers GYP-LINE with 1 or 2 slots.
  • The plenumboxes LINE-BOX B can be used for diffusers GYP-LINE with 3 slots.
  • The plenumboxes LINE-BOX A can be used for diffusers GYP-P-LINE with 1 slot.
  • The plenumboxes LINE-BOX B can be used for diffusers GYP-P-LINE with 2 slots.
  • Plenumboxes are available with connectiondiameters of 75mm, 125mm or 160mm depending the model.


  • Straight branches APD or APG to be provided by yourself according to the required connections.
  • Plenums LINE-BOX are always supplied without branches.

Order example

  • LINE-BOX 1&2 - 6xD100 - L=1000 MM


LINE-BOX = Acoustic insulated plenum box

1&2 = Quantity of slots according to diffuser

6xD100 = Diameter of connection

1000 = Length according to diffuser


Lengte [mm]
Aansluitdiameter [mm]
Artikelnummer Type Lengte [mm] Aansluitmaat Aansluitdiameter [mm] E-shop
A046451075625 LINE-BOX - A - 6xD75 L= 625 MM 625 A 6 x Ø75
A046451075A00 LINE-BOX - A - 6xD75 L=1000 MM 1000 A 6 x Ø75
A046451075C50 LINE-BOX - A - 8xD75 L=1250 MM 1250 A 8 x Ø75
A046451125625 LINE-BOX - A - 6xD125 L= 625 MM 625 A 6 x Ø125
A046451125A00 LINE-BOX - A - 6xD125 L=1000 MM 1000 A 6 x Ø125
A046451125C50 LINE-BOX - A - 8xD125 L=1250 MM 1250 A 8 x Ø125
A046451160625 LINE-BOX - A - 6xD160 L= 625 MM 625 A 6 x Ø160
A046451160A00 LINE-BOX - A - 6xD160 L=1000 MM 1000 A 6 x Ø160
A046451160C50 LINE-BOX - A - 8xD160 L=1250 MM 1250 A 8 x Ø160
A046453125625 LINE-BOX - B - 6xD125 L= 625 MM 625 B 6 x Ø125
A046453125A00 LINE-BOX - B - 6xD125 L=1000 MM 1000 B 6 x Ø125
A046453125C50 LINE-BOX - B - 8xD125 L=1250 MM 1250 B 8 x Ø125
A046453160625 LINE-BOX - B - 6xD160 L= 625 MM 625 B 6 x Ø160
A046453160A00 LINE-BOX - B - 6xD160 L=1000 MM 1000 B 6 x Ø160
A046453160C50 LINE-BOX - B - 8xD160 L=1250 MM 1250 B 8 x Ø160
=> Voorraadproduct centraal magazijn behoudens verkoop

* number of ØD connections may differ from drawing


LINE-BOXL [mm]ØD [mm]
A1&2 SLOTS1 SLOT6256 x 75
10006 x 75
12508 x 75
6256 x 125
10006 x 125
12508 x 125
6256 x 160
10006 x 160
12508 x 160
B3 SLOTS2 SLOTS6256 x 125
10006 x 125
12508 x 125
6256 x 160
10006 x 160
12508 x 160
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