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Sound attenuating volume control dampers in polyurethane foam
For air regulation and acoustic attenuation in ventilation and airconditioning systems
To be inserted easily into round ducts with low sound generation even at large pressure drops
Pressure and airflow are easily adjustable by varying the number of open holes of the damper
Multiple dampers can be used to obtain higher acoustic attenuation
Damper mainly made out of flexible polyurethane foam with very good damping abilities and flameresistance tested according FMVSS-302, the fabric flammability standard, wich is also the standard used in e.g. the automotive industry. Fire resistance class B (Equivalent to M1)
Cut-out holes with parts that can easily be taken out to adjust air volumes
Anti-bacterial anti-fungus foam mousse
Black coverage at one end and mixed-colored polyurethane foam
To be inserted in circular ducts of Ø80, Ø100, Ø125, Ø160, Ø200, Ø250 and Ø315
Dampers for ducts in Ø315 available upon request
To be mounted at at least 50-350 mm distance A between the duct opening and first SAVD damper when used in air supply
To be mounted at at least 0-50 mm distance A between the duct opening and the first SAVD damper when used for exhaust of air
To be mounted at a minimum distance B in between 2 dampers at at least 250 mm in air supply and 150 mm in air exhaust when multiple dampers are mounted
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Technical characteristics
List of symbols
Dpt = Pressure loss over the damper in Pa
Q = Air Volume in m³/h
LWA= Sound power in dBA
Lw = LwA + Kw
1-2- ... -10 = Quantity of opened holes in the damper