
BTH-B3 • Rectangular sound attenuators

  • Rectangular
  • Galvanized steel

Customized rectangular sound attenuators


  • BTH-B3 silencers are suitable to attenuate industial machinery noises and special applications in the air-conditioning engineering. BTH-B3 silencers with build-in B3 attenuation dampers provide very efficient attenuation in the 500 to 4000Hz frequency range

  • Silencers with Splitter thickness d=100mm is suitable for smaller air flow rates as well as in the case where high degree attenuation is required in the high frequency range.
  • Splitter thickness of 200mm is suitable for large air flow rates as well as in the case where high degree attenuation is required in the low frequency range.
  • Standard version silencers with cellulose foil or galvanized steel sheet plates are suitable for velocities up to 20m/s between the splitters


  • The attenuation housing is made of galvanized sheet steel which complies with air tightness class C (ATC3)
  • Splitters with frames of galvanized steel and fillings with highly efficient absorption material are build into the housing
  • Filling exposed surface is protected with cellulose foil
  • They are designed to be incombustible class A1, Euroclass DIN EN 13501-1
  • The B3 splitter height en length are not interchangeable. The splitter L dimension shall always run in the direction of the propagation of sound

Order example

BTH-B3 BXHXL / d= ... / n= ...


BTH-B3 : Silencer type with B3 Splitters with cellulose foil

BXHXL : Width X Height X Length

d=100 : Splitter thickness of 100mm


d=200 : Splitter thickness of 200mm

n= ... : Number of splitters


Lengte [mm]
Breedte [mm]
Hoogte [mm]
Max. gewicht [kg]
Verpakking [stuks]
Artikelnummer Type Lengte [mm] Breedte [mm] Hoogte [mm] Max. gewicht [kg] Verpakking [stuks] E-shop
J050106060000 MPRH 600 600 200 150 250 1
J050106120000 MPRH 1200 1200 200 150 500 1
=> Voorraadproduct centraal magazijn behoudens verkoop
=> Voorraadproduct regionale filialen behoudens verkoop
=> Artikel met kwantumkorting
1) MPRH 600 en MPRH 1200: Alle nodige bouten en moeren worden meegeleverd per montageblok: 2 bouten M10, 2 moeren M10 & 2 sluitringen M10


  • Available upon request

Attenuation values BTH-B3 Splitter thickness d=100mm

L=500 mm - d=100 L=1500 mm - d=100
s [mm][Hz] s [mm][Hz]
631252505001000200040008000 631252505001000200040008000
4046111416181411 401020334448504033
503510131616129 50915283946483427
60248121515108 60812263645453224
66.7248111515108 66.7812243445453224
70248111515108 70810223345453222
75247101515108 75610213245453222
80236101515107 8069203245453021
87.5236101515107 87.569183045453021
90226101515106 9048162845453020
10022491515106 10048142745453020
L=1000 mm - d=100 L=2000 mm - d=100
s [mm][Hz] s [mm][Hz]
631252505001000200040008000 631252505001000200040008000
40713222932352722 401426445050505044
50610192631322318 501220385050504636
6058172430302116 601016344850504232
66.758162330302116 66.71016324650504232
7057152230302115 701014304450504230
7547142130302115 75814284250504230
8046132130302014 80812264250504028
87.546122030302014 87.5812244050504028
9035111930302013 90610223850504026
1003591830302013 100610183650504026

Attenuation values BTH-B3 Splitter thickness d=200mm

L=500 mm - d=200 L=1500 mm - d=200
s [mm][Hz] s [mm][Hz]
631252505001000200040008000 631252505001000200040008000
6028131923201310 60622395050503930
752812151714107 75622384550443021
100261012141296 100418323842382718
12514811131296 125312263339382718
15013610111064 15039163033301810
175135910963 17538162830281610
20012488843 2003814222622149
L=1000 mm - d=200 L=2000 mm - d=200
s [mm][Hz] s [mm][Hz]
631252505001000200040008000 631252505001000200040008000
60415263846412620 60830505050505040
75415253034292014 75830505050504028
100312212528251812 100624425050503624
12528172226251812 125416344450503624
1502611202220127 150412224044402414
1752610182018117 175411213741372213
20025915171596 200410183034301812


  • L = Length in mm
  • s = Distance between splitters in mm
  • Hz = Frequency band in Hertz
  • Sound attenuation capacities D given in dB

Pressure losses BTH-B3 Splitter thickness d=100mm

L=500 mm - d=100 L=1500 mm - d=100
s [mm]v (m/s) s [mm]v (m/s)
2468101214161820 2468101214161820
40061630487096126161198 404102034527498128162200
50061426426082108136170 50481628446286110140172
6004122236527294120148 6048162640567698124152
66.704122234506890114140 66.728142436527092116144
7504102030446280102128 7526142234486484106130
800410183042587898122 8026122232466280102124
87.50410182840567494116 87.52612203244607898120
90048162640547290112 902612203042587494116
100028162436506684104 1002612182840547088108
L=1000 mm - d=100 L=2000 mm - d=100
s [mm]v (m/s) s [mm]v (m/s)
2468101214161820 2468101214161820
40281832507297127161199 4051121355375100130164202
50271527436184109138171 505101830466487112141174
6026142438547496122150 6059172741577799125153
66.716132336517091115142 66.749162638547294118145
7515122132466382104129 7548152435496685107132
8015112031446079100123 8048142334476382103126
87.51511193043587696118 87.54814223345617999121
901510182841567392114 904813213144597695117
1001410172638526886106 1004713202941557189109

Pressure losses BTH-B3 Splitter thickness d=200mm

L=500 mm - d=200 L=1500 mm - d=200
s [mm]v (m/s) s [mm]v (m/s)
2468101214161820 2468101214161820
600616325072100130164204 6041020345276102132168206
75061428446488116146180 75481830486890118150184
10004122438547698126154 100481626405878102128158
12504102034486688110136 12548142436527090114140
15004101830446078100124 15026122232466482104128
1750410182842587696118 1752612203244607898122
200028162638526886106 2002612182840547088110
L=1000 mm - d=200 L=2000 mm - d=200
s [mm]v (m/s) s [mm]v (m/s)
2468101214161820 2468101214161820
602818335174101131166205 6051121365477104134169208
75271629466689117148182 755101932496992120151185
100261425395677100127156 100591728425980103130159
12516122235506889112138 12549152538537192115141
15015112031456280102126 15048142334486583105129
1751511193043597797120 17548142233466280100123
2001410172739536987108 2004713203042567290111


  • L = Length in mm
  • s = Distance between splitters in mm
  • Vs = Air velocity between splitters in m/s
  • Pressure drop vallues Dp are given in Pa


  • s = Distance between splitters in mm
  • B X H X L = Width X Height X Length in mm
  • d= Splitter thickness 100 or 200 in mm
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