
CT-C T90 • T-piece covers

  • Cable trays
  • Covers
  • Galvanized steel

Clip-on cover with sliding connection system for T-pieces CT-T90 made of galvanized steel.


  • SUFIX by Trayco


  • Galvanized steel (Sendzimir)


  • Available in 3 widths: 100, 200 and 300mm
  • For indoor use only
  • Galvanized steel Z275 with double zinc layer of 275 g/m²


  • CT-LI Interlockable cable trays
  • CT-C Cable tray covers
  • CT-BDH90 Horizontal bends 90°
  • CT-C BDH90 Horizontal bend 90° covers
  • CT-T90 T-pieces
  • CT-BR Branch pieces
  • CT-C BR Branch piece covers
  • CT-WBCL Clippable wall brackets
  • CT-CBCL Clippable C-brackets
  • CT-IB Central suspension brackets
  • CT-PUSH Fixation clamps
  • CT-J Cable tray connection plates
  • CT-VH Cable tray vertical hinges
  • CT-JBP Junction box mounting plates (10 pcs)


Debiet [m³/h]
Artikelnummer Type Debiet [m³/h] Configuratie E-shop Wisselstukken
I100113180011 Renovent Excellent 180 L 4/0 180 Links
I100113180111 Renovent Excellent Plus 180 L 4/0 180 Links
I100113180211 Renovent Excellent 180 R 4/0 180 Rechts
I100113180311 Renovent Excellent Plus 180 R 4/0 180 Rechts
I100113300011 Renovent Excellent 300 L 4/0 300 Links
I100113300111 Renovent Excellent Plus 300 L 4/0 300 Links
I100113300211 Renovent Excellent 300 R 4/0 300 Rechts
I100113300311 Renovent Excellent Plus 300 R 4/0 300 Rechts
I100113400011 Renovent Excellent 400 L 4/0 400 Links
I100113400111 Renovent Excellent Plus 400 L 4/0 400 Links
I100113400211 Renovent Excellent 400 R 4/0 400 Rechts
I100113400311 Renovent Excellent Plus 400 R 4/0 400 Rechts
I100113450011 Renovent Excellent 450 L 4/0 450 Links
I100113450111 Renovent Excellent Plus 450 L 4/0 450 Links
I100113450211 Renovent Excellent 450 R 4/0 450 Rechts
I100113450311 Renovent Excellent Plus 450 R 4/0 450 Rechts
I100113300021 Renovent Excellent 300 L 2/2 300 Links
I100113300031 Renovent Excellent 300 L 3/1 300 Links
I100113300121 Renovent Excellent Plus 300 L 2/2 300 Links
I100113300221 Renovent Excellent 300 R 2/2 300 Rechts
I100113300231 Renovent Excellent 300 R 3/1 300 Rechts
I100113300321 Renovent Excellent Plus 300 R 2/2 300 Rechts
I100113300331 Renovent Excellent Plus 300 R 3/1 300 Rechts
I100113400021 Renovent Excellent 400 L 2/2 400 Links
I100113400031 Renovent Excellent 400 L 3/1 400 Links
I100113400121 Renovent Excellent Plus 400 L 2/2 400 Links
I100113400221 Renovent Excellent 400 R 2/2 400 Rechts
I100113400231 Renovent Excellent 400 R 3/1 400 Rechts
I100113400321 Renovent Excellent Plus 400 R 2/2 400 Rechts
=> Beëindigd product – enkel nog wisselstukken verkrijgbaar

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