
SWL • Insulation in stone wool on a roll

Stone wool duct insulation with thickness of 25 or 50 mm


  • For thermal and acoustic insulation of HVAC ductwork applications


  • Stonewool matress with vertical rockwool blades, glued on a reinforced aluminium foil


  • Yellow mineral stone wool with reinforced aluminium foil


  • Heat conductivity in W/m.K according EN12667:
    • 0.038 at 10°C
    • 0.047 at 50°C
    • 0.059 at 100°C
    • 0.074 at 150°C
    • 0.091 at 200°C
    • 0.110 at 250°C
  • Nominal density: 35kg/m³
  • Water Vapour Diffusion Resistance MV2 according EN 12086
  • Application temperatures up to 250°C according EN 14707
  • Water Absorption, Short Term WS, Wp < 1kg/m² according EN 1609
  • Fire resistance class A1 according to EN 13501-1
  • Size 9m x 1m (9 m²) with a thickness of 25 mm or Size 5m x 1m (5 m²) with a thickness of 50 mm


  • To be glued on ducts and to be finished with aluminium tape
  • To be wrapped around ducts and to be finished with aluminium tape
  • To be pinned on duct surfaces by means of insulation pins with washers


  • Contact glue, type POWER SPRAY
  • ALUTAPE 40S PREMIUM or reinforced aluminium tape FSK
  • Insulation self-adhesive pins with washers, type CD 32 or CD 63

Text for tender

  • The thermal and acoustic insulation of the ducts will be done by means of stone wool insulation matresses of 25mm or 50mm. The matresses consist of vertical lamellas of mineral stone wool glued on a reinforced aluminium layer.
  • Type SWL 25 mm or SWL 50 mm

Order example

  • SWL 25 mm


SWL = Stonewool insulation

25 mm = on roll in 25mm thickness


Artikelnummer Type Specificatie E-shop
I100850059001 FS HEXA 05 - F7 ePM1 55% hexa 05
I100850059002 FS HEXA 05 - F9 ePM1 80% hexa 05
I100850059003 FS HEXA 05 - M5 ePM10 50% hexa 05
I100850089001 FS HEXA 08 - F7 ePM1 55% hexa 08
I100850089002 FS HEXA 08 - F9 ePM1 80% hexa 08
I100850089003 FS HEXA 08 - M5 ePM10 50% hexa 08
I100850159001 FS HEXA 15 - F7 ePM1 55% hexa 15
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I100850209001 FS HEXA 20 - F7 ePM1 55% hexa 20
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I100850279001 FS HEXA 27 - F7 ePM1 55% hexa 27
I100850279002 FS HEXA 27 - F9 ePM1 80% hexa 27
I100850279003 FS HEXA 27 - M5 ePM10 50% hexa 27
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I100850609001 FS HEXA 60 - F7 ePM1 55% (2x) hexa 60
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I100850609003 FS HEXA 60 - M5 ePM10 50% (2x) hexa 60
I100850809001 FS HEXA 80 - F7 ePM1 55% (2x) hexa 80
I100850809002 FS HEXA 80 - F9 ePM1 80% (x2) hexa 80
I100850809003 FS HEXA 80 - M5 ePM10 50% (2x) hexa 80
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