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Glass wool duct insulation plates with black fiberglass foil
For internal thermal and acoustic insulation of HVAC ductwork applications, acoustic splitters or acoustic housings
Glass wool plate with glasswoolfibers, glued on a black fiberglass screen
Yellow mineral glasswoll with black fiberglass screen
Mineral glass wool matress with horizontally orientated glasswool fibers
Black fiberglass screen
Heat conductivity of 0.032 W/mK at 10°C and volume mass max 32 kg/m³
Application temperatures up to 125°C
Non hygroscopical and non capillary material
Fire resistance class A2-s1,d0
Size 2.4 x 1.2 m (2.88 m²) per plate with a thickness of 25 mm or 50 mm
Wrapped with 40 pieces (thickness 25 mm) or 20 pieces (thickness 50 mm) in polyethylene shrinkfoil
Maximum air velocity 12 m/s
CE certificate 64721
Store in dry area
Wear protective clothing when installing
To be glued on inside ducts
To be pinned on surfaces by means of insulation pins with washers
Contact glue, type POWER SPRAY
Insulation self-adhesive pins with washers, type CD 32 or CD 63
Text for tender
The thermal and acoustic internal insulation will be done by means of glass wool insulation plates of 25 mm or 50 mm. The matresses consist of mineral glass wool fibers glued on a black fiberglass screen.
CAIROX Type DI/ P30-25 or DI/ P30-50
The thermal and acoustic internal insulation will be done by means of glass wool insulation plates of 25 mm or 50 mm. The matresses consist of mineral glass wool fibers glued on a black fiberglass screen.
CAIROX Type DI/ P30-25 or DI/ P30-50
Order example
DI/P30-25 =Glass fiber acoustic insulation plate of 25mm thickness
example: Duct of 0.50 x 0.40 m Frequency: 2000 Hz Reduction per channel: type 602 25mm: 9 dB These graphs are the translation of the formula: ∆N=1,05αs1,4 p/s dB/lm with ΔN = noise reduction in dB /lm. αs = sound absorption coefficient according sabine. p = inner circumference of the channel in lm: 2 (a + b) s = inner surface of the channel in m2: (a x b) Sound absorption coefficient αs (according sabine)