Thanks to the special design of the three dimensional blades of the rotor and the stator, these blades are driven correctly, thanks to which the pressure profile on the surface of the blades is realised more efficiently and with considerably less losses. The efficient stator will convert the energy losses (dynamic pressure) into useable energy (static pressure). This combination results in a duct fan with the highest efficiency in its category, whereby the ETALINE fans cut operational costs enormously.
Thanks to the fact that the motor is integrated in the stator’s hub, out of the air stream, the ETALINE fans can be used for slightly polluted air.
Because the motor is built into the stator hub, outside the air flow, the ETALINE fans can be used for slightly polluted air.
The ETALINE fans are used for ventilation in offices, schools, parkings, industrial applications,...
ETALINE 250 E2 01 + TSC-1-15
ETALINE = type of fan
250 = diameter
E = Type of motor
2 = Number of poles
01 = Version
TSC-1-15 = speed controller