
FLR-RF USB • USB transmitters for FLR-RF components

The USB RF transmitter/receiver provides the connection between a Flair or CHR PRO device and FLR-RF sensors and controls without using an application.


  • Brink


  • For Flair and CHR PRO devices manufactured after July 2022
  • Up to 12 FLR-RF components can be connected per FLR-RF USB:
    • Maximum 4 controls, type FLR-RF CONTROL
    • Maximum 4 CO2 sensors, type FLR-RF CO2
    • Maximum 4 RH sensors, type FLR-RF RH
  • Plug and play


  • Power supply: via USB connection from Flair or CHR PRO device
  • Communication signal: RF
  • Frequency: 868MHz
  • Range: 300m in open field
  • Maximum 1 USB stick per device
  • Connection can be established between FLR-RF USB and FLR-RF components via the push button on both components.


  • Controls, type FLR-RF CONTROL
  • CO2 sensors, type FLR-RF CO2
  • RH sensors, type FLR-RF RH


Debiet [m³/h]
Artikelnummer Type Debiet [m³/h] Configuratie E-shop Wisselstukken
I100113180011 Renovent Excellent 180 L 4/0 180 Links
I100113180111 Renovent Excellent Plus 180 L 4/0 180 Links
I100113180211 Renovent Excellent 180 R 4/0 180 Rechts
I100113180311 Renovent Excellent Plus 180 R 4/0 180 Rechts
I100113300011 Renovent Excellent 300 L 4/0 300 Links
I100113300111 Renovent Excellent Plus 300 L 4/0 300 Links
I100113300211 Renovent Excellent 300 R 4/0 300 Rechts
I100113300311 Renovent Excellent Plus 300 R 4/0 300 Rechts
I100113400011 Renovent Excellent 400 L 4/0 400 Links
I100113400111 Renovent Excellent Plus 400 L 4/0 400 Links
I100113400211 Renovent Excellent 400 R 4/0 400 Rechts
I100113400311 Renovent Excellent Plus 400 R 4/0 400 Rechts
I100113450011 Renovent Excellent 450 L 4/0 450 Links
I100113450111 Renovent Excellent Plus 450 L 4/0 450 Links
I100113450211 Renovent Excellent 450 R 4/0 450 Rechts
I100113450311 Renovent Excellent Plus 450 R 4/0 450 Rechts
I100113300021 Renovent Excellent 300 L 2/2 300 Links
I100113300031 Renovent Excellent 300 L 3/1 300 Links
I100113300121 Renovent Excellent Plus 300 L 2/2 300 Links
I100113300221 Renovent Excellent 300 R 2/2 300 Rechts
I100113300231 Renovent Excellent 300 R 3/1 300 Rechts
I100113300321 Renovent Excellent Plus 300 R 2/2 300 Rechts
I100113300331 Renovent Excellent Plus 300 R 3/1 300 Rechts
I100113400021 Renovent Excellent 400 L 2/2 400 Links
I100113400031 Renovent Excellent 400 L 3/1 400 Links
I100113400121 Renovent Excellent Plus 400 L 2/2 400 Links
I100113400221 Renovent Excellent 400 R 2/2 400 Rechts
I100113400231 Renovent Excellent 400 R 3/1 400 Rechts
I100113400321 Renovent Excellent Plus 400 R 2/2 400 Rechts
=> Beëindigd product – enkel nog wisselstukken verkrijgbaar
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