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Single remote controller, wireless remotre controller
Controlling of one or group of indoor units.
Applicable indoor units
AUXG 07/09/12/14/18/22/24 KVLA
Start/Stop operation and Start/Stop button
Operation mode setting and Mode button
Fan speed setting and Fan button
Up and down airflow direction and swing button
Reset button. Carries out a resed.
Test run button. This button is used when the air conditioner is installed and cannot be used in normal conditions. Only alloid to activated by autorized service personnel.
Room temperature setting :
AUTO : 18 to 30°C
COOL/DRY : 18 to 30°C
HEAT : 16 to 30°C
Built-in daily timer
PROGRAM timer : Operates the ON and OFF timer once within a 24 hour period.
SLEEP : This nocturnal disconnection program adjusts the microprocessor to the time of year to condtion the room in an optimum manner before the user wakes up.
NICE MORNING TIMER (NMT) : This function calculats the time required for the room to reach the desired temperature at the time set, and turns on the unit when required.
ON timer : Switch ON the unit according to the time setting (From 1 to 24 hours - Daily)
OFF timer : Switch OFF the unit according to the time setting (From 1 to 24 hours - Daily)
Easy installation and operation
Code selector switch prevents indoor unit mix-up (Up to 4 code can be set)
Wide (120°) and precise transmitting range (max. 7m)