
KGR1-Kp (PAE GPE) • Gateway kits for one EVEREST module with Wi-Fi router

  • Heatpumps
  • Air/water monoblock
  • Emicon
  • Accessories for modular units
  • Communication card for a stand alone unit
  • Only WiFi no master slave

Network card in a closed box that allows monitoring and supervision of the main operating parameters by giving access to the local Wi-Fi network. A customer's smartphone or tablet can be used as an interface. The closed box with network card has to be mounted on the back of the front panel of the EVEREST unit. The delivery does not include cables (power or data cables) for connecting the kit to the EVEREST unit (supplied in kit).


  • Emicon


  • Can only be ordered as an option when purchasing an EVEREST 290 unit
  • KGR1-Kp (PAE GPE) for Wi-Fi communication on a single EVEREST unit


  • KGR1-KP (PAE GPE) closed board with built-in gateway panel for Wi-Fi connection


  • KGR1-Kp (PAE GPE) Gateway kit for one EVEREST module with Wi-Fi router
  • KGR5-Kp (PAE GPE) Gateway board kit for 2 to 5 units with cascade communication and Wi-Fi router

  • KGR10-Kp (PAE GPE) Gateway board kit for 6 to 10 units with cascade communication and Wi-Fi router


Article selection assistant
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