
PTFR • Roof passages in plastic and aluminium

  • Outdoor units
  • roof inlets

The roof passage consists of an aluminium flashing and a plastic duct. This roof passage for flat roofs is especially designed for passing all electrical cables (PV and air conditioning) and refrigerant pipes of airco units through the roof.


Passing electrical cables (PV and airconditioning) and refrigerant pipes of airco units through the roof.


  • Black duct: plastic (PE)
  • Flashing: aluminium


  • Air- and watertight
  • UV-resistant


Debiet [m³/h]
Artikelnummer Type Debiet [m³/h] Configuratie E-shop Wisselstukken
I100113180011 Renovent Excellent 180 L 4/0 180 Links
I100113180111 Renovent Excellent Plus 180 L 4/0 180 Links
I100113180211 Renovent Excellent 180 R 4/0 180 Rechts
I100113180311 Renovent Excellent Plus 180 R 4/0 180 Rechts
I100113300011 Renovent Excellent 300 L 4/0 300 Links
I100113300111 Renovent Excellent Plus 300 L 4/0 300 Links
I100113300211 Renovent Excellent 300 R 4/0 300 Rechts
I100113300311 Renovent Excellent Plus 300 R 4/0 300 Rechts
I100113400011 Renovent Excellent 400 L 4/0 400 Links
I100113400111 Renovent Excellent Plus 400 L 4/0 400 Links
I100113400211 Renovent Excellent 400 R 4/0 400 Rechts
I100113400311 Renovent Excellent Plus 400 R 4/0 400 Rechts
I100113450011 Renovent Excellent 450 L 4/0 450 Links
I100113450111 Renovent Excellent Plus 450 L 4/0 450 Links
I100113450211 Renovent Excellent 450 R 4/0 450 Rechts
I100113450311 Renovent Excellent Plus 450 R 4/0 450 Rechts
I100113300021 Renovent Excellent 300 L 2/2 300 Links
I100113300031 Renovent Excellent 300 L 3/1 300 Links
I100113300121 Renovent Excellent Plus 300 L 2/2 300 Links
I100113300221 Renovent Excellent 300 R 2/2 300 Rechts
I100113300231 Renovent Excellent 300 R 3/1 300 Rechts
I100113300321 Renovent Excellent Plus 300 R 2/2 300 Rechts
I100113300331 Renovent Excellent Plus 300 R 3/1 300 Rechts
I100113400021 Renovent Excellent 400 L 2/2 400 Links
I100113400031 Renovent Excellent 400 L 3/1 400 Links
I100113400121 Renovent Excellent Plus 400 L 2/2 400 Links
I100113400221 Renovent Excellent 400 R 2/2 400 Rechts
I100113400231 Renovent Excellent 400 R 3/1 400 Rechts
I100113400321 Renovent Excellent Plus 400 R 2/2 400 Rechts
=> Beëindigd product – enkel nog wisselstukken verkrijgbaar


 Aluminium flashing
outside diameter (mm)
Aluminium flashing
inside diameter (mm)
Plastic duct
diameter (mm)
Total height
PTFR 80310130 - 8080310
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