
CAB • Cleaners

  • Cleaning products
  • Hydraulic systems
  • Cleaning products

The cleaner (C3 Cleaner 570911) dislodges sludge, scale deposits and dirt particles from hydraulic installations, after which the filter or dirt separator collects the dirt so that it can be eliminated. The cleaner can be applied to new and existing heating and cooling systems at high or low temperature. The cleaner is non-aggressive and therefore suitable for all materials used in hydraulic systems. In addition, the cleaner can be used with all types of propylene glycol.




To remove sludge, scale, dirt particles and deposits from existing installations. For new installations, the cleaner enables commissioning to the required standards.


  • Bottle content: 500 ml liquid
  • Colour: light brown
  • Odour: light
  • pH: 7-8
  • Relative density: 1,15
  • Solubility (in water): soluble in hot and cold water


Article selection assistant
Diameter D [mm]
Article number Type [mm] Diameter D [mm] E-shop
C010324080000 BDSG 30 80 80
C010324100000 BDSG 30 100 100
C010324125000 BDSG 30 125 125
C010324150000 BDSG 30 150 150
C010324160000 BDSG 30 160 160
C010324180000 BDSG 30 180 180
C010324200000 BDSG 30 200 200
C010324250000 BDSG 30 250 250
C010324315000 BDSG 30 315 315
C010324355000 BDSG 30 355 355
C010324400000 BDSG 30 400 400
C010324450000 BDSG 30 450 450
C010324500000 BDSG 30 500 500
C010324560000 BDSG 30 560 560
C010324630000 BDSG 30 630 630
C010324710000 BDSG 30 710 710
C010324800000 BDSG 30 800 800
=> Stock product central warehouse, except sales
=> Stock product local warehouses, except sales


Flushing an existing or new installation:

  1. Turn off the circulation pump.

  2. Add the appropriate amount of cleaner to the installation, this can be done through the dirt separator. Overdosage poses no problems.
    Dosage: 500 ml per 150 l of water.

  3. Turn the circulation pump on and let the water circulate during:
    min. 1 hour for high temperature water (T > 50°C)
    min. 4 hours for low temperature water (30°C < T < 40°C)
    up to 1 week for cold water

  4. Turn off the circulation pump.

  5. Drain the water and flush thoroughly, at least twice, until the water runs clear. Dispose of drain water according to applicable regulations. Repeat the above steps for heavily contaminated systems.

  6. Add the appropriate amount of protection additive to the system.
    Dosage: 500 ml per 150 l of water.

  7. Turn the circulation pump on.

The complete instructions can be found in the manual under “Downloads”.

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