
AOEG KBTB • Inverter buitenunits Fujitsu

Deze buitenunit van het mono-split inverter type is geschikt voor aansluiting van diverse types binnenunits zoals cassettes, kanaalmodellen en vloer/plafondtypes. De roterende DC compressor garandeert een zuinige, stille werking en een lange levensduur.


  • Fujitsu - Airstage


  • Buitenunit, voor algemene toepassingen (types cassette & kanaal)


  • Lucht-lucht warmtepomp, inverter


  • R32

Toe te passen binnenunits

  • Type AUXG 09/12/14/18/22/24 KVLA
  • Type AUXG 18/22/24/30/36/45/54 KRLB
  • Type ARXG 09/12/14/18 KLLAP
  • Type ARXG 12/14/18/22/24/30/36/45/54 KHTAP
  • Type ARXG 22/24/30/36/45 KMLA
  • Type ARXG 22/24/30/36/45/54 KMTAP
  • Type ARXG 45/54 KHTB
  • Type ABEG 18/22/24/30/36/45 KRTA


  • Robuust en compact
  • Nieuw type 45/54: compacter model (22,7% lager dan type AOYG LETL)
  • Kleur, RAL 7044
  • V-PAM sturing van compressor (Type 12/14/18/24)
  • I-PAM sturing van compressor (Type 30/36/45/54)
  • Hoogwaardige blue fin coating (Type 30/36/45/54)
  • Bescherming van kranen
  • Roterende ventilator met 3 schoepen
  • DC twin rotary compressoren
  • Stroomtoevoer: 230V/1/50Hz
  • Aanvaardbaar bereik van buitentemperatuur voor verwarming: -15~24°C
  • Aanvaardbaar bereik van buitentemperatuur voor koeling: -15~46°C


  • Gelakte muursteun. Type WBA
  • Muursteun in inox. Type WBI/WBIT
  • Montageblokken in rubber (15 cm). Type MPRH 600/1200
  • Montageblokken in rubber. Type MPRX 600/1200
  • Montageblokken in PVC. Type MPS 450/1000
  • Geïsoleerde koperen buizen op rol. Type P-COIL


Article selection assistant
Type of regulation
Article number Type Type of regulation Size E-shop Spare parts
I100720000080 GTDHRV 9008 PBC -W BASIC 4
I100720000100 GTDHRV 9010 PBC -W BASIC 4
I100720000160 GTDHRV 9016 PBC -W BASIC 5
I100720000230 GTDHRV 9023 PBC -W BASIC 6
I100720000350 GTDHRV 9035 PBC -W BASIC 7
I100720000480 GTDHRV 9048 PBC -W BASIC 8
I100720000700 GTDHRV 9070 PBC -D BASIC -
I100720010080 GTDHRV 9008 PBCL -W LOBBY EC 4
I100720010100 GTDHRV 9010 PBCL -W LOBBY EC 4
I100720010160 GTDHRV 9016 PBCL -W LOBBY EC 5
I100720010230 GTDHRV 9023 PBCL -W LOBBY EC 6
I100720010350 GTDHRV 9035 PBCL -W LOBBY EC 7
I100720010480 GTDHRV 9048 PBCL -W LOBBY EC 8
I100720010700 GTDHRV 9070 PBCL -D LOBBY EC -
I100720020080 GTDHRV 9008 PBCD -W DIVA EC 4
I100720020100 GTDHRV 9010 PBCD -W DIVA EC 4
I100720020160 GTDHRV 9016 PBCD -W DIVA EC 5
I100720020230 GTDHRV 9023 PBCD -W DIVA EC 6
I100720020350 GTDHRV 9035 PBCD -W DIVA EC 7
I100720020480 GTDHRV 9048 PBCD -W DIVA EC 8
I100720020700 GTDHRV 9070 PBCD -D DIVA EC -
I100720030100 GTDHRV 9010 PBCM -W MAC2 EC 4
I100720030160 GTDHRV 9016 PBCM -W MAC2 EC 5
I100720030230 GTDHRV 9023 PBCM -W MAC2 EC 6
I100720030350 GTDHRV 9035 PBCM -W MAC2 EC 7
I100720030480 GTDHRV 9048 PBCM -W MAC2 EC 8
I100720030700 GTDHRV 9070 PBCM -D MAC2 EC -
I100720040100 GTDHRV 9010 PBCQ -W QUATRO EC 4
I100720040160 GTDHRV 9016 PBCQ -W QUATRO EC 5
I100720040230 GTDHRV 9023 PBCQ -W QUATRO EC 6
I100720040350 GTDHRV 9035 PBCQ -W QUATRO EC 7
I100720040480 GTDHRV 9048 PBCQ -W QUATRO EC 8
I100720040700 GTDHRV 9070 PBCQ -D QUATRO EC -
I100730000080 GTDHRV 9008 PBE -W BASIC 4
I100730000100 GTDHRV 9010 PBE -W BASIC 4
I100730000160 GTDHRV 9016 PBE037 -W BASIC 5
I100730000161 GTDHRV 9016 PBE052 -W BASIC 5
I100730000230 GTDHRV 9023 PBE037 -W BASIC 6
I100730000231 GTDHRV 9023 PBE067 -W BASIC 6
I100730000350 GTDHRV 9035 PBE067 -W BASIC 7
I100730000351 GTDHRV 9035 PBE137 -W BASIC 7
I100730000480 GTDHRV 9048 PBE067 -W BASIC 8
I100730000481 GTDHRV 9048 PBE137 -W BASIC 8
I100730000700 GTDHRV 9070 PBE105 -D BASIC -
I100730000701 GTDHRV 9070 PBE157 -D BASIC -
I100730010080 GTDHRV 9008 PBEL -W LOBBY EC 4
I100730010100 GTDHRV 9010 PBEL -W LOBBY EC 4
I100730010160 GTDHRV 9016 PBE037L -W LOBBY EC 5
I100730010161 GTDHRV 9016 PBE052L -W LOBBY EC 5
I100730010230 GTDHRV 9023 PBE037L -W LOBBY EC 6
I100730010231 GTDHRV 9023 PBE067L -W LOBBY EC 6
I100730010350 GTDHRV 9035 PBE067L -W LOBBY EC 7
I100730010351 GTDHRV 9035 PBE137L -W LOBBY EC 7
I100730010480 GTDHRV 9048 PBE067L -W LOBBY EC 8
I100730010481 GTDHRV 9048 PBE137L -W LOBBY EC 8
I100730010700 GTDHRV 9070 PBE105L -D LOBBY EC -
I100730010701 GTDHRV 9070 PBE157L -D LOBBY EC -
I100730020080 GTDHRV 9008 PBED -W DIVA EC 4
I100730020100 GTDHRV 9010 PBED -W DIVA EC 4
I100730020160 GTDHRV 9016 PBE037D -W DIVA EC 5
I100730020161 GTDHRV 9016 PBE052D -W DIVA EC 5
I100730020230 GTDHRV 9023 PBE037D -W DIVA EC 6
I100730020231 GTDHRV 9023 PBE067D -W DIVA EC 6
I100730020350 GTDHRV 9035 PBE067D -W DIVA EC 7
I100730020351 GTDHRV 9035 PBE137D -W DIVA EC 7
I100730020480 GTDHRV 9048 PBE067D -W DIVA EC 8
I100730020481 GTDHRV 9048 PBE137D -W DIVA EC 8
I100730020700 GTDHRV 9070 PBE105D -D DIVA EC -
I100730020701 GTDHRV 9070 PBE157D -D DIVA EC -
I100730030100 GTDHRV 9010 PBEM -W MAC2 EC 4
I100730030160 GTDHRV 9016 PBE037M -W MAC2 EC 5
I100730030161 GTDHRV 9016 PBE052M -W MAC2 EC 5
I100730030230 GTDHRV 9023 PBE037M -W MAC2 EC 6
I100730030231 GTDHRV 9023 PBE067M -W MAC2 EC 6
I100730030350 GTDHRV 9035 PBE067M -W MAC2 EC 7
I100730030351 GTDHRV 9035 PBE137M -W MAC2 EC 7
I100730030480 GTDHRV 9048 PBE067M -W MAC2 EC 8
I100730030481 GTDHRV 9048 PBE137M -W MAC2 EC 8
I100730030700 GTDHRV 9070 PBE105M -D MAC2 EC -
I100730030701 GTDHRV 9070 PBE157M -D MAC2 EC -
I100730040100 GTDHRV 9010 PBEQ -W QUATRO EC 4
I100730040160 GTDHRV 9016 PBE037Q -W QUATRO EC 5
I100730040161 GTDHRV 9016 PBE052Q -W QUATRO EC 5
I100730040230 GTDHRV 9023 PBE037Q -W QUATRO EC 6
I100730040231 GTDHRV 9023 PBE067Q -W QUATRO EC 6
I100730040350 GTDHRV 9035 PBE067Q -W QUATRO EC 7
I100730040351 GTDHRV 9035 PBE137Q -W QUATRO EC 7
I100730040480 GTDHRV 9048 PBE067Q -W QUATRO EC 8
I100730040481 GTDHRV 9048 PBE137Q -W QUATRO EC 8
I100730040700 GTDHRV 9070 PBE105Q -D QUATRO EC -
I100730040701 GTDHRV 9070 PBE157Q -D QUATRO EC -
=> Stock product central warehouse, except sales
Other configurations on request.


Technische specificaties AOEG 09 KBTBAOEG 12 KBTBAOEG 14 KBTBAOEG 18 KBTBAOEG 22 KBTB
Koelmiddel (GWP) R32 (675)R32 (675)R32 (675)R32 (675)R32 (675)
Maximum luchtdebiet (K/V)m³/h1480/14101580/15201670/15802160/18302240/1960
Compressor type DC Twin RotaryDC Twin RotaryDC Twin RotaryDC Twin RotaryDC Twin Rotary
Geluidsdruk (K/V)dB(A)46/4647/4749/4950/5051/51
Geluidsvermogen (K/V)dB(A)59/5961/6162/6262/6263/63
Afmetingen (H x B x D)mm542x799x290542x799x290542x799x290632x799x290632x799x290
Koelleidingeninch1/4 - 3/81/4 - 3/81/4 - 3/81/4 - 1/21/4 - 1/2
Voorgevulde hoeveelheid koelmiddelg (CO2eq-T)850 (0,57)850 (0,57)850 (0,57)1020 (0,69)1250 (0,84)
Extra hoeveelheid koelmiddel per meterg/m2020202020
Aantal meters voorgevuldm1515152020
Maximum lengte/hoogte koelleidingm/m20/1525/2025/2030/2030/25
Minimum koelleidinglengtem55555
Werkingstemperatuur in koeling°C-15~46-15~46-15~46-15~46-15~46
Werkingstemperatuur in verwarming°C-15~24-15~24-15~24-15~24-15~24
Sectie voedingskabelmm²3G 2,53G 2,53G 2,53G 2,53G 2,5
Automatische zekering (traag)A1616162020
Compressor vermogenkW0,90,810,90,91,06
Thermisch vermogen (k)kW2,53,54,35,26
Thermisch vermogen (v)kW3,24,1567
Energielabel (k) A++A++A++A++A++
Energielabel (v) A+A+A+A+A+
* Specificaties en design kunen wijzigen zonder bericht voor verdere verbeteringen
** Geluidsvermogen volgens EN12102


Technische specificaties AOEG 24 KBTBAOEG 30 KBTBAOEG 36 KBTBAOEG 45 KBTBAOEG 54 KBTB
Koelmiddel (GWP) R32 (675)R32 (675)R32 (675)R32 (675)R32 (675)
Maximum luchtdebiet (K/V)m³/h2700/27003750/37503750/37504450/44504450/4450
Compressor type DC Twin RotaryDC Twin RotaryDC Twin RotaryDC Twin RotaryDC Twin Rotary
Geluidsdruk (K/V)dB(A)53/5453/5555/5557/5757/59
Geluidsvermogen (K/V)dB(A)65/6668/6970/7071/7173/73
Afmetingen (H x B x D)mm716x820x315788x940x320788x940x320998x940x320998x940x320
Koelleidingeninch1/4 - 1/23/8 - 5/83/8 - 5/83/8 - 5/83/8 - 5/8
Voorgevulde hoeveelheid koelmiddelg (CO2eq-T)1250 (0,84)1900 (1,28)1900 (1,28)2700 (1,82)2700 (1,82)
Extra hoeveelheid koelmiddel per meterg/m2040404040
Aantal meters voorgevuldm2030303030
Maximum lengte/hoogte koelleidingm/m30/2550/3050/3050/3050/30
Minimum koelleidinglengtem55555
Werkingstemperatuur in koeling°C-15~46-15~46-15~46-15~46-15~46
Werkingstemperatuur in verwarming°C-15~24-15~24-15~24-15~24-15~24
Sectie voedingskabelmm²3G 2,53G 43G 43G 63G 6
Automatische zekering (traag)A2025253232
Compressor vermogenkW1,061,51,52,182,18
Thermisch vermogen (k) kW6,88,59,512,113,4
Thermisch vermogen (v)kW7,51010,813,515,5
Energielabel (k) A++A++A++A++A++
Energielabel (v) A+A+A+A+A+
* Specificaties en design kunen wijzigen zonder bericht voor verdere verbeteringen
** Geluidsvermogen volgens EN12102

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