Galvanized steel "circular-square" connection pieces
Prices and production on demand
Price without frame = (A+B) x 2 x €72
Price with frame = Price without frame + 15%
A and B in [m]
Minimumprice of €72
A: Width side of the right triangle
B: Height side of the right triangle
D: Diameter branching
V: Connection Type : without (BL) or with frame (C20 or C30)
L: Length (standard 300 mm)
M: Length aftakstuk (standaard 50 mm)
X: Entry (standaard 30 mm)
Explanation :
RV : Type of connection piece
600 = Length of rectangular side
250 = Height of rectangular side
315 = Diameter of Circular side
C20 = 20 mm frame on rectangular side, C30 = 30mm, BL = no frame