
ERI CLAD ADH • Self adhesive insulation in synthetic rubber with alu protection on a roll

ERI self adhesive insulation with closed cell structure and with protective E-CLAD sheet

Ideal for aesthetic insulation of ventilation ducts for indoor and outdoor use


  • Alu


  • Synthetic rubber with closed cell structure ERI
  • Self-adhesive layer ADH
  • E-CLAD protective aluminium foil


  • ERI:
    • Thermal conductivity
      • 0,034 W/mK at -10°C
      • 0,035 W/mK at 0°C
      • 0,037 W/mK at 10°C
    • Water vapour diffusion resistance µ≥10000 according to EN12086 and EN13469
    • Excellent flexibility
    • Fungus and bacterial resistant
    • Corrosion risk DIN 1988, pH Neutral=7 EN13468
    • Does not contain CFC, HCFC or asbestos
    • Good resistance to mineral and vegetable oils, benzene/ petroleum ether, diluted acids and bases.
    • Fire resistance Euroclass B,s3,d0 EN13501-1 / EN13823
  • E-CLAD foil:
    • Surface cladding made of multi-layer material based on PE, PVC, Aluminium and PET
    • Can be used in most of the weather conditions, resistant to the sun, rain and UV.
    • Operating temperatures between ‐25 to 75°C, DIN EN 14706
    • Total weight approx. 340 g/m2, EN 22286
    • Thickness 230μm
    • Tensile strength: MD 200N/15mm / CD 175N/15mm, EN ISO 527‐3
      MD: Machine direction / CD: Cross direction
    • Weather resistant testing ASTM G26A, ISO 4892‐2


  • CE marked
  • For the application in an outdoor installation, ERI CLAD ADH with a thickness of 25mm can be combined with the ERI ADH with a thickness of 25mm for thermal resistance of 1,5m².K/W, prescribed by the specifications 105 /2017 of the Building Agency


  • To be wrapped around ducts and to be finished with butyltape ASB PREMIUM


  • ERI CLEANER: surface cleaner
  • ERI GLUE KIT: For the glueing of synthetic rubber foam in the joints
  • E-CLAD TAPE: Special tape for connection with finishing of E-CLAD layers indoors
  • ASB PREMIUM: Butyltape for connection with finishing of E-CLAD layers outdoors

Text for tender

  • To limit energy losses, the air ducts must be insulated. For this purpose, both the round and rectangular air ducts must be provided with an insulation jacket made of synthetic foam rubber with a smooth reinforced aluminum-colored outer wall.
    This high-tech combined product is made of synthetic rubber with a closed cell structure with reinforced polymer layers of PVC, aluminum, polyethylene and terephthalate bonded to it. The material is very sturdy, dimensionally stable, permanently elastic and UV resistant. The foam rubber also has very good temperature resistance, high insulation value and fire-resistant properties and can be used for both indoor and outdoor applications. It is ideal for both cold and heat insulation in residential, non-residential and industrial applications and gives the installation an aesthetic and professional finish. The insulation material also performs optimally in terms of hygiene. Due to the closed cells and reinforced coating, the insulation forms an airtight and waterproof barrier, preventing condensation and mold formation and ensuring that the material retains its insulation value at all times.
    The insulation is always supplied on a roll, making it easy to handle on site. Processing the plates is very simple. The insulation can be cut to the necessary dimensions using a knife. The insulation is provided with a self-adhesive layer with protective film as standard, allowing it to be quickly applied and bonded to degreased and dust-free surfaces. After applying the insulation, it is advisable to also glue the connecting foam rubber with the adhesive provided for this purpose. The seams are finished using tapes specially developed for this purpose. An aluminum tape is used for indoor applications, outdoor applications are finished with an aluminum butyl tape. To achieve higher insulation values, the outer reinforced insulation foil can be glued to a foam rubber inner foil without reinforcement.
    For indoor installation, 25 mm insulation already exceeds the thermal resistance with an R-value of 0,65 m²W/K. For outdoor installation, the 25 mm insulation with CLAD finish must be combined with 25 mm foam rubber foil to achieve the R-value of 1,5 m²W/K, so that the material in both installations can comply with type specification 105 /2017.

Order example

  • ERI CLAD ADH, 25mm, 5x1m


ERI CLAD ADH = Type of insulation, self-adhesive

25mm = Insulation thickness

5x1m = Length x width of insulation roll


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