
GTDHR Premium • Heat recovery units with post heating coil ≤ 4500 m³/h (counterflow)

Heat recovery unit with high efficiency 90%. The range consists of 4 sizes and 5 types for air flows from 200 up to 4500 m³/h. Each model GTDHR is equipped with 2 adjustable air flows

The GTDHR Premium is an autoregulating unit (plug & play) with a post-heating watercoil or an electrical post-heater, for temperatures till -10°C




  • Automatic ventilation and high efficiency heat recovery of air in non residential and industrial applications
  • Air filtration, temperature control
  • Compact monobloc ventilation unit, with plug & play and energy-saving control system (EN 15232)


  • Structure with aluminium profiles, thermal bridge free
  • Corners in reinforced polyamide
  • Double skinned panels with high-density glass wool insulation 50 mm M0 (60 kg/m³)
  • Outer layer: prelacquered steel plate (RAL 7035) with protection sheet.
  • Inner layer: galvanized steel plate
  • Internal elements access panel equipped with security bolt
  • Corner pieces for floor or ceiling mounting
  • Round connections with lip seals for models up to GTDHR 9048 and rectangular connections for GTDHR 9070
  • Condensation tray and drain dia 20 mm
  • Built in 100% Bypass, motorised and auto regulating
  • Built in regulation with front display IP65
  • Built in temperature sensors (4)
  • Built in clock for two flow rate function
  • Built in week clock and public holidays
  • Safety switch
  • Pressostat on inlet filter F7
  • Pressostat on each fan
  • Standard Modbus or Bacnet available


  • Single inlet centrifugal fan with back draw blades, statically and dynamically balanced G6.3 according to DIN ISO 1940
  • Direct driven EC motor with thermal protection, efficiency class IE3 (Premium Efficiency)
  • Fan mounted on anti-vibration blocs
  • Plug fan with epoxy coating, brand Ziehl Abegg (GTDHR 9010 in galvanized steel, brand EBM Papst)
  • Direct driven EC current motor with electronic commutation (EC) with high efficiency, thermal protection and integrated speed control
  • The EC technology has brought together high efficient EC motors with low energetic consumption for the management, control and the supervision of the duty point (regulation from 10 to 100%)
  • Low noise level for a better acoustic comfort


  • Static flux counter-flow exchanger made of seawater resistant aluminium, brand Klingenburg type GS
  • Efficiency 90% at -10°C/90% inlet air - +20°C/50% on exhaust air (EN308)


  • Filters are placed directly in front of the components for optimal protection
  • Mounted on sliding rails with lip seals to ensure efficient air tightness
  • Basic GTDHR type as one F7 - ISO 16890 ePM1 – 55% (inlet air) and one G4 - ISO 16890 Coarse 65% (exhaust air) filters, thickness 100 mm
  • F7 high efficiency filter: 10x higher filtration surface than a gravimetric filter and life span 2.5x longer
  • Filter class M5 - ePM 10 50% - ISO 16890


  • GTDHR 90xx-PBC: unit equipped with an integrated post-heating watercoil
  • GTDHR 90xx-PBE: unit equipped with an integrated electrical post-heater


  • GTDHR DIVA®EC*: Proportional modulating flow (between a set min. And max. Flow) of each fan based on a built-in CO2 measurement.
The CO2 content (number of ppm) is adjustable in the control.
  • GTDHR LOBBY®EC*: Constant pressure ventilation for each fan f.e. when used together with VAV controllers
  • GTDHR MAC2®EC*: Two adjustable constant airflows for each fan. (except for the GTDHR 9008)
  • GTDHR QUATTRO®EC*: Proportional ventilation between two constant air duties (high and low speed) for each fan (except for the GTDHR 9008) - with built-in CO2 sensor in the exhaust side of the unit

    * this regulation will be integrated in the unit. It is not possible to add this regulation afterwards


  • Efficiency of the heat exchanger of more than 90% EN308), in accordance with RT2012 and the directive ErP 2009/125/EC
  • In conformity with EUROVENT classifications according to EN1886 and EN13053
  • Standard construction with double skinned panels of 50 mm
  • Mechanical strength class: D1
  • Air tightness: Class L1
  • Conductivity: T3
  • Thermal bridge: TB2
  • filter leakage class: F9
  • Exterior panel made of steel lacquered 10/10
    • Finish RAL7035 - 25µm, gloss 40%, film 80µm
    • Primer RAL7032 - 5µm
  • Inner panel made of galvanized steel 10/10e
  • Insulation: high density 50 mm mineral wool, 60kg/m³, class M0
  • Structure with aluminium profiles cold bridge free


  • Airtight control valve AKH
  • Motorizable opposite blade damper, type MVX-RM
  • Galvanized rain canopy, type MVX-AGC with bird screen
  • Flexible sleeves, type MTS diameter 250 to 630mm
  • Controllers for GTDHR/V up to serial number 225190:

    • E3-DSP controller mounted on the unit as standard
    • Remote controller available as an option
      • E3-DSP remote display (up to 100 metres, to be provided by the installer) with 3-metre EDSP-K3 or 10-metre EDSP-K10 Belden cable
      • ED Touch digital controller for units type GTDHR/V, Hexamotion(-S), Freetime(-S), Silvertop, Neotime (First and Premium)
        • Cable 4-wire 24 Vdc (Corrigo C+/GO) of 10 rmt included
  • Controllers for GTDHR/V from serial number 225191:
    • Easy 5.0 controller mounted on the unit as standard
      • Master touch screen controller
    • EDT2 remote controller available as an option
      • Touch screen controller for end user

Other available products

  • GTDHR First
  • GTDHR Infinite

Order example



GTDHR = type heat recovery unit

9023 = size 6

P = Premium

BC = with water heater

BE = with electrical heater





L = configuration (configuration P only available on demand)


Artikelnummer Type E-shop
J040302000010 ACC-FS
=> Voorraadproduct centraal magazijn behoudens verkoop
=> Voorraadproduct regionale filialen behoudens verkoop
=> Artikel met kwantumkorting

Selection curves

Selection curves

Selection curves

Selection curves

Selection curves

  • Pst [Pa] = Static pressure
  • Pbat [Pa] = Pressure loss batteries
  • BE = Electrical battery
  • BC = Hotwater battery
  • BF = Chilled water battery
  • DX = Direct expansion
  • Pab [W] = Absorbed power per fan
  • η [%] - EN 308 (20°C / 50%) = Efficiency
  • Lwa pu = Sound power level in duct motor side
  • Lwa ex = Sound power level in duct filter side
  • Lpa @ 4m = Sound pressure level in free field with inlets and outlets connected

Technical data

 Qmax [m³/h] @ 150PaU [V]PF [W]PEPH [kW]Imax [A]tm [°C]to [°C]IPLpa @ 4m [dB(A)]

GTDHR Premium BC 9008


1 x 2302 x 220-3.4060-20IP4437

GTDHR Premium BC 9010


1 x 2302 x 480-4.3060-20IP5440

GTDHR Premium BC 9016


1 x 2302 x 480-4.3060-20IP5442

GTDHR Premium BC 9023


1 x 2302 x 700-6.0040-20IP5447

GTDHR Premium BC 9035


3 x 4002 x 2500-7.7050-20IP5451

GTDHR Premium BE 9008



1 x 2302 x 2202.5014.3060-20IP4438

GTDHR Premium BE 9010



1 x 2302 x 4802.5015.2060-20IP5441

GTDHR Premium BE 9016



1 x 2302 x 4803.7520.6060-20IP5442



3 x 4002 x 4805.2511.9060-20IP5442

GTDHR Premium BE 9023



1 x 2302 x 7003.7522.3040-20IP5447



3 x 4002 x 7006.7515.7040-20IP5447

GTDHR Premium BE 9035



3 x 4002 x 25006.7517.4050-20IP5452



3 x 4002 x 250013.5027.2050-20IP5452

*Fancurve is adjustable by means of the integrated regulation.

  • PF = Fan power
  • PEPH = Power electrical post-heater
  • tm = Maximum air temperature
  • to = Minimum operating temperature
  • Lpa @ 4m = Sound pressure level at 4 m

Technical data water coil

 Twr [°C/°C]Ta,i [°C]* Qv,a [m³/h]
300400 500 600 700 800
GTDHR 9008 PBC80/6011P [kW]/ Ta,o [°C] 4.1 / 52 5.1 / 49 5.9 / 466.7 / 447.4 / 438.1 / 41
Qv,w [l/h] / dp,w [kPa]180 / 6220 / 6260 / 5290 / 6330 / 7350 / 8
15P [kW]/ Ta,o [°C] 3.8 / 534.7 / 505.5 / 486.6 6.2 / 466.9 / 447.5 / 43
Qv,w [l/h] / dp,w [kPa]170 / 5210 / 5240 / 7270 / 5300 / 6330 / 7
90/7011P [kW]/ Ta,o [°C] 4.9 / 606.0 / 567.1 / 538.0 / 518.8 / 499.6 / 47
Qv,w [l/h] / dp,w [kPa]220 / 5

270 / 5

310 / 6350 / 8390 / 9420 / 11
15P [kW]/ Ta,o [°C]4.6 / 615.7 / 576.6 / 557.5 / 528.3 / 5099.0 / 49
Qv,w [l/h] / dp,w [kPa]200 / 5250 / 4290 / 5330 / 7370 / 8400 / 10
45/4011P [kW]/ Ta,o [°C]2.1 / 322.6 / 313.1 / 293.5 / 283.8 / 274.2 / 27
Qv,w [l/h] / dp,w [kPa]364 / 5448 / 76532 / 10302 / 12672 / 13728 / 15
15P [kW]/ Ta,o [°C]1.8 / 332.3 / 322.6 / 313.0 / 303.3 / 293.6 / 28
Qv,w [l/h] / dp,w [kPa]322 / 6392 / 6462 / 8518 / 9574 / 11630 / 13
60/5011P [kW]/ Ta,o [°C]3.1 / 423.8 / 404.5 / 385.1 / 365.6 / 3566.1 / 34
Qv,w [l/h] / dp,w [kPa]270 / 5330 / 8390 /10440 / 13490 / 13540 / 15
15P [kW]/ Ta,o [°C]2.8 / 433.5 / 414.0 / 394.6 / 385.1 / 375.5 / 36
Qv,w [l/h] / dp,w [kPa]240 / 7300 / 6350 / 8400 / 10440 / 13480 / 12

400 600800100012001400
GTDHR 9010 PBC80/6011P [kW]/ Ta,o [°C]5.1 / 496.7 / 448.1 / 419.3 / 3910.3 / 3711.3 / 35
Qv,w [l/h] / dp,w [kPa]220 / 6290 / 6350 / 8410 / 10450 / 13490 / 12
15P [kW]/ Ta,o [°C]4.7 / 506.2 / 467.5 / 438.6 / 419.5 / 3910.4 / 37
Qv,w [l/h] / dp,w [kPa]210 / 5270 / 5330 / 7380 / 9420 / 11460 / 13
90/7011P [kW]/ Ta,o [°C]6.0 / 568.0 / 519.6 / 4711.1 / 4412.4 / 4213.5 / 40
Qv,w [l/h] / dp,w [kPa]270 / 5350 / 8420 / 11490 / 12540 / 14590 / 17
15P [kW]/ Ta,o [°C]5.7 / 577.5 / 529.0 / 4910.4 / 4611.6 / 4412.6 / 42
Qv,w [l/h] / dp,w [kPa]250 / 4330 / 7400 / 10460 / 12510 / 13560 / 15
45/4011P [kW]/ Ta,o [°C]2.6 / 313.5 / 284.2 / 274.8 / 255.4 / 245.9 / 24
Qv,w [l/h] / dp,w [kPa]448 / 7602 / 12728 / 15840 / 19938 / 23 1022 / 27
15P [kW]/ Ta,o [°C]2.3 / 323.0 / 303.6 / 284.1 / 274.6 / 265.0 / 26
Qv,w [l/h] / dp,w [kPa]392 / 6518 / 9630 / 13714 / 14798 / 18686 / 21
60/5011P [kW]/ Ta,o [°C]3.8 / 405.1 / 366.1 / 347.0 / 327.9 / 318.6 / 29
Qv,w [l/h] / dp,w [kPa]330 / 8440 / 13540 / 15620 / 19690 / 24750 / 28
15P [kW]/ Ta,o [°C]3.5 / 414.6 / 385.5 / 366.4 / 347.1 / 337.8 / 32
Qv,w [l/h] / dp,w [kPa]300 / 6400 / 10480 / 12560 / 16620 / 20680 / 23

600 900120015001800/
GTDHR 9016 PBC80/6011P [kW]/ Ta,o [°C]8.2 / 5210.9 / 4713.2 / 4415.2 / 4117.0 / 39/
Qv,w [l/h] / dp,w [kPa]360 / 5480 / 6 580 / 9670 / 12750 / 15/
15P [kW]/ Ta,o [°C]7.6 / 5310.1 / 4812.2 / 4514.1 / 4315.8 / 41/
Qv,w [l/h] / dp,w [kPa]330 / 5440 / 8540 / 8620 / 10690 / 13/
90/7011P [kW]/ Ta,o [°C]9.6 / 5912.9 / 5415.7 / 5018.1 / 4720.3 / 45/
Qv,w [l/h] / dp,w [kPa]430 / 7570 / 9690 / 12800 / 14890 / 17/
15P [kW]/ Ta,o [°C]9.1 / 6012.1 / 5514.7 / 5217.0 / 4919.0 / 47/
Qv,w [l/h] / dp,w [kPa]400 / 6530 / 8650 / 11750 / 14840 / 16/
45/4011P [kW]/ Ta,o [°C]4.2 / 325.6 / 306.8 / 287.9 / 278.8 / 26/
Qv,w [l/h] / dp,w [kPa]520 / 8700 / 14850 / 18980 / 231100 / 28/
15P [kW]/ Ta,o [°C]3.6 / 334.8 / 315.9 / 306.8 / 297.6 / 28/
Qv,w [l/h] / dp,w [kPa]450 / 8600 / 11730 / 15840 / 17940 / 21/
60/5011P [kW]/ Ta,o [°C]6.1 / 418.2 / 3810.0 / 3611.5 / 3412.9 / 32/
Qv,w [l/h] / dp,w [kPa]530 / 8710 / 14870 / 181010 / 231130 / 27/
15P [kW]/ Ta,o [°C]5.5 / 437.4 / 409.0 / 3710.4 / 3611.7 / 34/
Qv,w [l/h] / dp,w [kPa]480 / 7650 / 12790 / 15910 / 191020 / 24 /

GTDHR 9023 PBC80/6011P [kW]/ Ta,o [°C]11.2 / 5315.1 / 4918.3 / 4521.2 / 4323.8 / 41/
Qv,w [l/h] / dp,w [kPa]490 / 3660 / 6810 / 6930 / 81050 / 10/
15P [kW]/ Ta,o [°C]10.4 / 5414.0 / 5017.0 / 4719.7 / 4422.1 / 43/
Qv,w [l/h] / dp,w [kPa]460 / 5610 / 5750 / 7860 / 7970 / 9/
90/7011P [kW]/ Ta,o [°C]13.3 / 6117.9 / 5621.8 / 5225.3 / 4928.5 / 46/
Qv,w [l/h] / dp,w [kPa]590 / 4790 / 6960 / 81110 / 111250 / 12/
15P [kW]/ Ta,o [°C]12.5 / 6216.8 / 5720.5 / 5323.8 / 5126.7 / 48/
Qv,w [l/h] / dp,w [kPa]550 / 4740 / 7900 / 71050 / 101180 / 11/
45/4011P [kW]/ Ta,o [°C]5.8 / 337.8 / 309.5 / 2911.0 / 2712.4 / 26/
Qv,w [l/h] / dp,w [kPa]1008 / 71344 / 91652 / 121918 / 152142 / 19/
15P [kW]/ Ta,o [°C]5.0 / 346.7 / 328.2 / 309.5 / 2910.6 / 28/
Qv,w [l/h] / dp,w [kPa]868 / 51162 / 71414 / 101638 / 121848 / 15/
60/5011P [kW]/ Ta,o [°C]8.4 / 4211.3 / 3913.9 / 3716.1 / 3518.1 / 34/
Qv,w [l/h] / dp,w [kPa]740 / 7990 / 91210 / 121400 / 161580 / 17/
15P [kW]/ Ta,o [°C]7.6 / 4410.3 / 4112.5 / 3814.5 / 3716.3 / 35/
Qv,w [l/h] / dp,w [kPa]670 / 6900 / 81090 / 111270 / 131430 / 16/

1500 21002700330039004500
GTDHR 9035 PBC80/6011P [kW]/ Ta,o [°C]19.5 / 5024.7 / 4629.2 / 4333.2 / 4136.8 / 3940.1 / 38
Qv,w [l/h] / dp,w [kPa]860 / 41080 / 61280 / 61460 / 81620 / 71760 / 8
15P [kW]/ Ta,o [°C]18.1 / 5122.9 / 4827.0 / 4530.7 / 4334.0 / 4137.1 / 40
Qv,w [l/h] / dp,w [kPa]800 / 31000 / 51190 / 51350 / 71490 / 81630 / 7
90/7011P [kW]/ Ta,o [°C]23.2 / 5729.4 / 5334.8 / 5039.6 / 4744.0 / 4548.0 / 43
Qv,w [l/h] / dp,w [kPa]1020 / 51290 / 61530 / 81750 / 81940 / 102110 / 11
15P [kW]/ Ta,o [°C]21.8 / 5827.6 / 5432.6 / 5137.2 / 4941.2 / 4745.0 / 45
Qv,w [l/h] / dp,w [kPa]960 / 51220 / 51440 / 71640 / 71820 / 91980 / 10
45/4011P [kW]/ Ta,o [°C]10.1 / 3112.8 / 2915.1 / 2817.2 / 2719.1 / 2620.8 / 25
Qv,w [l/h] / dp,w [kPa]1750 / 62212 / 72618 / 102982 / 133318 / 163626 / 18
15P [kW]/ Ta,o [°C]8.7 / 3211.0 / 3113.0 / 2914.8 / 2816.4 / 2817.9 / 27
Qv,w [l/h] / dp,w [kPa]1498 / 61904 / 72254 / 82562 / 102842 / 123108 / 14
60/5011P [kW]/ Ta,o [°C]14.7 / 4018.6 / 3822.1 / 3525.2 / 3428.0 / 3230.5 / 31
Qv,w [l/h] / dp,w [kPa]1280 / 61630 / 81930 / 102200 / 132440 / 162670 / 17
15P [kW]/ Ta,o [°C]13.3 / 4116.8 / 3920.0 / 3722.7 / 3625.2 / 3427.5 / 33
Qv,w [l/h] / dp,w [kPa]1160 / 51470 / 8

1740 / 9

1990 / 112210 / 132410 / 15

  • Twr = Temperature water regime
  • Ta,i = Temperature air before the coil
  • *P = Power of the coil
  • *Ta, o= Temperature after the coil
  • *Qv,w = Water flow
  • *dp,w = Water pressure loss

Horizontal configurations - side by side flow - top view

Blue arrow: Fresh air

Purple arrow: Return air

Configuration P only available on demand

Product drawing horizontal configuration


 Ø [mm]A [mm]B [mm]C [mm]D [mm]E [mm]F [mm]F1 [mm]F2 [mm]T [Ø]**[kg]

GTDHR Premium 9008



GTDHR Premium 9010



GTDHR Premium 9016


GTDHR Premium 9023


GTDHR Premium 9035


  • The GTDHR 9048 and 9070 only excist in vertical configuration
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