
Duct-M • Axial fans

  • Cased axial duct fan
  • Until 125.000 m³/h
  • Short, middle or long case
  • IP55

Axial fan with long housing


  • General ventilation, cooling, climate control, harvesting of crops, ventilation in chemical processes and fire ventilation


  • The steel housing is fully galvanized after manufacture. The flanges are an integral part of the housing and are provided with bolt holes
  • The screw is of the type with adjustable blade angle when stationary. It is balanced according to ISO 1940-1986 - Grade G 6.3. The distance between the screw and the fan housing must not exceed 0.6% of the screw diameter. The propeller blades have an aerofoil profile
  • The core and the propeller blades are cast from an aluminum alloy and are checked with X-rays for cavities and structural defects
  • The motor is of the asynchronous cage anchor type, fully closed and with overheat protection
  • Voltage: 230Vac 1ph 50Hz or 400Vac 3ph 50Hz
  • Protection IP55 - Insulation class F
  • Standard engine connection NOT brought to the outside (provide acces panel for accesibility to engine connections)


  • Outer Terminal Box (engine connection brought to the outsidet)
  • ATEX II 2G IIB T4 version (DUCT-M ATEX)
  • RWA fire fans 300°C/2h - 400°C/2h (DUCT-M HT)
  • Two-speed engines
  • Stainless steel version


  • Silencers, support feet, vibration dampers, counter flanges, flexible sleeves, round check valve, protective grilles, inlet cone
  • Electronic speed controller, speed controller with transformer and frequency converters

Text for tender

  • Cased axial fans used for large air capacities with relatively low pressures are required in duct mounted applications, Cairox type DUCT-M

Order example

  • DUCT-M 314/4M-A + FC-DU + AV + CF-DU


DUCT-M = Type of cased axial fan

M = Type of case lenght; M = middle, S = Short; L = Long

31 = Hub size

4 = Number of poles; 2 - 3000rpm; 4 - 1500rpm; 6 - 1000rpm; 8 - 750rpm

M = Monophase; T = Threephase

A = Type of motor

FC-DU = Flexible connection

AV = Antivibration mounts

CF-DU = Coiunter flange


Prices are available upon request. Please include the following information in your price request in order to make you a compliant offer:
  • Airflow rate [m³/h]
  • External pressure drop required [Pa]
  • Free intake or channel connection


Article selection assistant
Length [mm]
Width [mm]
Height [mm]
Packing [pieces]
Article number Type Length [mm] Width [mm] Height [mm] Weight [kg] Packing [pieces] E-shop
J050104045010 MPKH 450 450 92 92 3,2 1
J050104090010 MPKH 900 900 92 92 6,4 1
J050104180010 MPKH 1800 1800 92 92 12,7 1
=> Stock product central warehouse, except sales
=> Stock product local warehouses, except sales

Selection curves

Selection curves

Selection curves

Selection curves

  • Performance shown in the selection curves refer to air at 15°C temperature and 0 metres above sea level and they were obtained in installation type D with no grid nor accessories
  • 1 mm H2O = 9,8 Pa

Technical data

TypeFlow rate [m³/h]Power [kW]Max. current [A]Mot [H]Sound pressure [dB(A)]
2 poles (3000 rpm) - single-phase (1Ph-230V 50 Hz)
312/A M35000,251,76370
2 poles (3000 rpm) - three-phase (3Ph-400V 50 Hz)
312/A T35000,250,76370
352/A T52500,551,67174
402/A T82001,12,68079
4 poles (1500 rpm) - single-phase (1Ph-230V 50 Hz)
314/A M23000,0915652
354/A M32000,0915656
4 poles (1500 rpm) - three-phase (3h-400V 50 Hz)
314/A T23000,090,45652
354/A T32000,090,45656
404/B T52000,180,66362
454/A T65000,250,87165
454/B T76000,371,27166
504/B T90000,551,68069
564/B T125000,7528072
634/A T130000,7528075
634/B T160001,12,89076
634/C T170002,2510076
714/A T170001,53,59077
714/B T205002,2510077
714/C T185002,2510077
714/D T2350036,510079
804/A T2400036,510078
804/B T2900048,211279
804/C T350005,51113280
804/D T400007,51513280
904/A T380005,51113285
904/B T430007,51513286
904/C T470007,51513286
904/D T525009,21813286
1004/A T410005,51113288
1004/B T500007,51513289
1004/C T59000112116089
1004/D T650001527,816090
1004/E T7250018,532,618090
1124/A T8000018,532,618093
1124/B T870002238,818094
1124/C T100000305320094
1254/A T950002238,818097
1254/B T110000305320098
1254/C T125000376422598
6 poles (1000 rpm) - three-phase (3Ph-400V 50 Hz)
560/A T85000,2517162
636/A T125000,371,38066
636/B T140000,752,29065
716/A T160000,752,29067
716/B T170001,139066
806/A T160000,752,29068
806/B T190001,139068
806/C T225001,5410069
906/A T250001,5410075
906/B T290002,2511275
906/C T320002,2511275
1006/A T270001,5410079
1006/B T330002,2511279
1006/C T410003713280
1126/B T450004913283
1126/C T540005,51213283
1256/B T610007,51516087
1256/C T73000112216088
1256/D T85000112216088
1406/A T11500018,53520091
8 poles (750 rpm) - three-phase (3Ph-400V 50 Hz)
568/A T60000,120,77156
908/A T170000,752,310069
908/B T205000,752,310069
1008/A T205000,752,310074
1008/B T250001,13,410074
1128/C T405002,25,513277
1258/A T345002,25,513281
1258/B T4300037,313281
1258/C T5200049,316082
1258/D T5900049,316082
1408/A T870007,514,716085

Sound data

2 poles
312/A - 0,25 kW526162636462564770
4 poles
314/A - 0,12 kW344345464744382952
354/A - 0,12 kW384749505148423356
504/B - 0,58 kW516062626360554569
564/B - 0,75 kW546365666764584972
634/A - 0,75 kW576668697067615275
634/B - 1,1 kW536769697067625276
634/C - 2,2 kW536669697067625276
714/A - 1,5 kW596870707168635377
714/B - 2,2 kW606870717269635477
714/C - 2,2 kW596870707168635377
714/D - 3 kW596870717269635477
804/A - 3 kW607071727370645578
804/B - 4 kW607071727370645579
804/C - 5,5 kW617072737471655680
804/D - 7,5 kW617072737471655680
904/A - 5,5 kW677678798077716285
904/B - 7,5 kW687779798077726286
904/C - 7,5 kW687779798077726286
904/D - 9,2 kW687779798077726286
1004/A - 5,5 kW707982828380746588
1004/B - 7,5 kW718082838481756689
1004/C - 11 kW718082838481756689
1004/D - 15 kW728183838481756690
1004/E - 18,5 kW728183838481766690
1124/A - 18,5 kW758486878885797093
1124/B - 22 kW768587878885807094
1124/C - 30 kW768587878885807094
1254/A - 22 kW798890919289837497
1254/B - 31 kW808891919289847498
1254/C - 37 kW808891919289847498
6 poles
566/A - 0,25 kW445355554654483962
636/A - 0,37 kW485759596057526266
636/B - 0,75 kW475658586057514265
716/A - 0,75 kW495860606158534367
716/B - 1,1 kW485757606158524366
806/A - 0,75 kW505361616259544468
806/B - 1,1 kW505361616252544468
806/C - 1,5 kW505963626360544569
906/A - 1,5 kW566563686966605174
906/B - 2,2 kW576668686966615175
906/C - 2,2 kW576667686966615175
1006/A - 1,5 kW617072727370655579
1006/B - 2,2 kW617072727371655679
1006/C - 3 kW617073737471655680
1126/B - 4 kW657476767774696083
1126/C - 5,5 kW687779808178726386
1256/B - 7,5 kW697880808178736387
1256/C - 11 kW707880818279736488
1256/D - 11 kW707880818279736488
1406/A - 18,5 kW738284848582776791
8 poles
568/A - 0,12 kW384749495048423356
908/A - 0,75 kW516062636461554669
908/B - 0,75 kW516062636461554669
1008/A - 0,75 kW556466676865605074
1008/B - 1,1 kW566467676865605074
1128/C - 2,2 kW596870717269635477
1258/A - 2,2 kW637274757673675881
1258/B - 3 kW637274757673675881
1258/C - 4 kW637275757673685882
1258/D - 4 kW637275757673685882
1408/A - 7,5 kW677678827976716185

Sound pressure level is measured in free field at 3 m from the fan, in any direction, with ducted inlet and outlet.

Octave band centre frequency

2 poles
312/A - 0,25 kW526162636462564770
4 poles
314/A - 0,12 kW344345464744382952
354/A - 0,12 kW384749505148423356
504/B - 0,58 kW516062626360554569
564/B - 0,75 kW546365666764584972
634/A - 0,75 kW576668697067615275
634/B - 1,1 kW536769697067625276
634/C - 2,2 kW536669697067625276
714/A - 1,5 kW596870707168635377
714/B - 2,2 kW606870717269635477
714/C - 2,2 kW596870707168635377
714/D - 3 kW596870717269635477
804/A - 3 kW607071727370645578
804/B - 4 kW607071727370645579
804/C - 5,5 kW617072737471655680
804/D - 7,5 kW617072737471655680
904/A - 5,5 kW677678798077716285
904/B - 7,5 kW687779798077726286
904/C - 7,5 kW687779798077726286
904/D - 9,2 kW687779798077726286
1004/A - 5,5 kW707982828380746588
1004/B - 7,5 kW718082838481756689
1004/C - 11 kW718082838481756689
1004/D - 15 kW728183838481756690
1004/E - 18,5 kW728183838481766690
1124/A - 18,5 kW758486878885797093
1124/B - 22 kW768587878885807094
1124/C - 30 kW768587878885807094
1254/A - 22 kW798890919289837497
1254/B - 31 kW808891919289847498
1254/C - 37 kW808891919289847498
6 poles
566/A - 0,25 kW445355554654483962
636/A - 0,37 kW485759596057526266
636/B - 0,75 kW475658586057514265
716/A - 0,75 kW495860606158534367
716/B - 1,1 kW485757606158524366
806/A - 0,75 kW505361616259544468
806/B - 1,1 kW505361616252544468
806/C - 1,5 kW505963626360544569
906/A - 1,5 kW566563686966605174
906/B - 2,2 kW576668686966615175
906/C - 2,2 kW576667686966615175
1006/A - 1,5 kW617072727370655579
1006/B - 2,2 kW617072727371655679
1006/C - 3 kW617073737471655680
1126/B - 4 kW657476767774696083
1126/C - 5,5 kW687779808178726386
1256/B - 7,5 kW697880808178736387
1256/C - 11 kW707880818279736488
1256/D - 11 kW707880818279736488
1406/A - 18,5 kW738284848582776791
8 poles
568/A - 0,12 kW384749495048423356
908/A - 0,75 kW516062636461554669
908/B - 0,75 kW516062636461554669
1008/A - 0,75 kW556466676865605074
1008/B - 1,1 kW566467676865605074
1128/C - 2,2 kW596870717269635477
1258/A - 2,2 kW637274757673675881
1258/B - 3 kW637274757673675881
1258/C - 4 kW637275757673685882
1258/D - 4 kW637275757673685882
1408/A - 7,5 kW677678827976716185

Sound pressure level is measured in free field at 3 m from the fan, in any direction, with ducted inlet and outlet.



ØA [mm]

B [mm]

B1 [mm]

B2 [mm]

C [mm]


E [mm]

F [mm]

G [mm]

Kg (Ms)

Kg (Mm)

Kg (Ml)








1 - Motor
2 - Casing
3 - Impeller
4 - Grid (mandatory for free air)
HELPCopyrightSales conditionsCookie

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