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recovery unit with condensing wheel, either without battery
or with battery (electrical post heating battery, change-over water battery or
change-over DX battery). The device is available in various versions up to ca. 10.000
m³/h with horizontal connections or ca. 5.000 m³/h with vertical connections and this in left or right version. The device is EPB
tested according to NBN EN 308.
Ventilation for both residential and non-residential applications
For indoor mounting
Outside mounting only possible for horizontal versions (with optional roof)
Outer panel: aluzinc RAL7040 (corrosion class C4)
Inner panel: aluzinc (corrosion class C4)
50mm insulation
Mineral wool insulation, fire class A1
Round connections:
for horizontal models up to and including model 2000
for vertical models up to and including model 1500
Rectangular connections:
for horizontal models from model 3000
for vertical models from model 2000
Motorized registers and flexible sleeves available as an OPTION
Possibility of built-in battery (electrical post-heating, change-over water battery or change-over DX battery)
Automatic bypass 0-10V
Modbus communication as a standard
Communication possible via MB-GATEWAY with Modbus/BACnet/TCP-IP (Web server or App)
Constant flow control as a standard
Constant pressure control or CO2 control available as an option (sensors not included)
Filter detection via pressure switch
Controller is not included
Direct driven direct current EC fan with backward inclined blades
Constant flow regulation
Condensation wheel 0-10V with high efficiency > 80%
The AmberAir Compact S-R is equipped with bag filters M5 - ISO 16890 ePM10 65% (extraction) / F7 - ISO 16890 ePM1 55% (supply)
Horizontal versions
AmberAir Compact S-R H xxxxL CO MCB: Horizontal unit with change-over water battery, left-sided version, MCB controller
AmberAir Compact S-R H xxxxR CO MCB: Horizontal unit with change-over water battery, right-sided version, MCB controller
AmberAir Compact S-R H xxxxL DX MCB: Horizontal unit with change-over DX battery, left-sided version, MCB controller
AmberAir Compact S-R H xxxxR DX MCB: Horizontal unit with change-over DX battery, right-sided version, MCB controller
AmberAir Compact S-R H xxxxL BE MCB: Horizontal unit with electric battery, left-sided version, MCB controller
AmberAir Compact S-R H xxxxR BE MCB: Horizontal unit with electric battery, right-sided version, MCB controller
AmberAir Compact S-R H xxxxL NB MCB: Horizontal unit without battery, left-sided version, MCB controller
AmberAir Compact S-R H xxxxR NB MCB: Horizontal unit without battery, right-sided version, MCB controller
Vertical versions:
AmberAir Compact S-R V xxxxL CO MCB: Vertical unit with change-over water battery, left-sided version, MCB controller
AmberAir Compact S-R V xxxxR CO MCB: Vertical unit with change-over water battery, right-sided version, MCB controller
AmberAir Compact S-R V xxxxL DX MCB: Vertical unit with change-over DX battery, left-sided version, MCB controller
AmberAir Compact S-R V xxxxR DX MCB: Vertical unit with change-over DX battery, right-sided version, MCB controller
AmberAir Compact S-R V xxxxL BE MCB: Vertical unit with electric battery, left-sided version, MCB controller
AmberAir Compact S-R V xxxxR BE MCB: Vertical unit with electric battery, right-sided version, MCB controller
AmberAir Compact S-R V xxxxL NB MCB: Vertical unit without battery, left-sided version, MCB controller
AmberAir Compact S-R V xxxxR NB MCB: Vertical unit without battery, right-sided version, MCB controller
Tested according to NBN EN 308:
Tested according to EUROVENT classifications according to EN13053
Mechanical strength: D1
Airtightness class: L1
Thermal transfer class: T2
Thermal bridge factor: TB2
Filter leakage: F9
Up to model 5000 is delivered in 1 part
All models from size 7000 are delivered in 3 parts
Model 2000 can be dismantled into 2 parts on site
All models from size 3000 can be dismantled into 3 parts on site
Touch screen controller, type TS-AIR
Airtight control valve, type AKH / RM-SR(S)
Air outlet, type UT (up to model 2000 H / 1500 V) / OC-SR(S) (from model 3000 H / 2000 V)
Connection piece, type MDV/MTS (up to model 2000 H / 1500 V) / FLEX-SR(S) (from model 3000 H / 2000 V)
Roof for outdoor installation, type RF-SR(S)
Comfort Box (attachment with additional battery) CB
Replacement filter, type FS-SR
Connecting multiple 0-10V sensors MM6-24/D
Order example
AmberAir Compact S-R H 1000L BE MCB
S-R = with condenstion wheel
H = horizontal ersion
1000 = size
L = left version
BE = electric post-heating battery
MCB = type of regulation
zocc.15 Mounting feets
Selection curves
Selection curves
Selection curves
Selection curves
Selection curves
Graphs only valid for device types NB, other selections on request